A New Day ...

Ok, this won't mean much to anyone but me and a couple special people in my life. I'm writing this for me.

I went to bed at a decent hour last night, slept fairly well and got up by 7:00. I feel better than I have in a long time. I actually made myself breakfast: broccoli cheese omelet and toast.
I did all the laundry, including putting it away. That is something because I hate folding laundry. But I did. There is nothing in the laundry basket now.

I emptied the dishwasher. I've been lazy about that. I don't know why those 2 chores are so difficult for me. They aren't difficult, nor time consuming. I just don't like it.

I took the dogs for a nice walk and then........I went down to the fitness center and did 30 minutes on the treadmill!!!! And I read my new daily devotional. In fact, it was so good I read 11 days worth!

Now I am going to a friend's house to help put away Christmas decorations and just hang out.

No lying around in bed being a hermit today. It's cloudy, cold for us, and been raining. And I feel fantastic anyway. Thank you Lord. And special thanks to my dear friend who spent so many hours on the phone with me the past 48 hours.

I want to make days like this a routine again like they used to be.


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