Time Flies - 3/16/2018

I was reading a friend's Blog the other day and discovered that the Blog I started back in 2008 is still here.  I haven't posted since 2012.  Well, I got into Facebook and I'm very open on there, so this fell by the wayside. I do love to write and I'm very open about my life. I know often when I write, I write lengthy posts, that people may not even bother to read.  I'd like to think that at least some of my writings interest other people, but these are mostly for myself.

It was good to read my earlier posts and revisit what was going on in my life and head in 2008.
So much has happened. Some struggles, which is just life , but mostly a lot of really good stuff and major blessings from God

  • Worked my way from Supervisor to Manager.
  • Resolved financial struggles and live pretty comfortably now
  • My 3 furkids (Chinsir, Keisha and MeToo) are all gone now and now I have 2 boys- Taishi and Chintu
  • Solid friendships continue and new ones formed.
  • Struggled with my mom and in 2013 she was officially diagnosed with moderate (level 4) Dementia. Had to place her in a secured memory care home. ( more on that struggle later)
  • Changed jobs in 2013. That really turned my life around financially and I was very happy there for most of it.
  • Learned how to ride a motorcycle Aug. 2015 and have now put nearly 27,000 miles in the saddle. 23,000 of those on a brand new Harley. Who would have ever imagined me on a motorcycle, let alone a brand new Harley? 
  • 2017 - took a big leap of faith and left that job to take some personal time off and rejuvenate (more on that later)
  • Enjoyed nearly 6 months off to be at home, travel and go motorcycle camping. 
  • Landed a great job and celebrating my 6 months today. 
  • After paying off my car  early (1st time ever keeping a car that long ), Hung on for a couple more years then just bought a new car last month.

Life is very good.  


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