
Showing posts from 2012

My Murphy's Law Weekend 7/20/2012

Sometimes life throws us curves and fastballs and ya can only laugh and share the story with those you love................. Notice the * I decided on Tuesday that I needed to get out camping/hiking/biking in the cool pines of NE Arizona. Thursday was crazy stressful at work and I felt beat up and couldn't wait to get out. I was going camping come hell or high water..............well............... So I took Friday off work and headed to Woods Canyon Lake. Yes, I knew the weather forecast called for scattered T-storms. Very typical. So I was prepared to get rained on and perhaps spend hours in my tent reading. I bought tent waterproof spray, hoping I could get it applied and dried before the rain hit. I looked forward to hearing the rain and catching up on some good reads. The campground was full, so I got on the wait list and waited at the entrance for about an hour before I was assigned a campsite. Thus I had no choice in which site I got. Fine, no such thing as a bad s...